Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lost Cause

Last night, while i was doing my model kit, my dad came in and said, "You should not be doing this. There is this professor in yesterday's news who made models of physical process and patent it, then those school that want to use it as an education tool will got to pay him money. You should be doing this kind of thing, instead of following the manual."

Ok.... First, there is an aesthetic part to making model, which helps to develop the artistic part of the brain which is very undeveloped in most people especially in this "Age of reason". It is not that unconstructive after all. Second, why must everything we do revolve around making money and making a mark for ourselves. Can't we just do it because of passion and hobby? Or is it that the value of passion has depreciated such that it is worthless in the face of fame and wealth? Thirdly, i am only involve in theoretical research and problem solving, so it will really be against my wish to those stuff. How can i possibly create a model for question like, "What is evil?". Should i construct a model of Eden garden to demonstrate the idea of "First sin"?

Perhaps theoretical physics and philosophy are academics that have been phased out in this world and have no practical value. The next question is, should i then abandon my interest and look for a more highly "valued" cause?

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